Discover New Careers: Job Shadow!

Often used by high school and college students, job shadowing can help you find new opportunities that can help you decide on a career path.

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Start early on your journey towards choosing your career. Be informed and ask questions of everything around you. What better way to learn about the multitude of career options, before you commit, is to shadow someone who is already doing the job you are considering. 

Often used by high school and college students, job shadowing can help you find new opportunities that can help you decide on a career path.

1. Explore possibilities without risk.

Job shadowing is an easy way to see how it fits your current skills and needs. Before you choose a major, discover ways of looking at the work you are considering. Shadowing a job helps you focus on the positive and negative aspects of the opportunity, and a commitment is not necessary. 

2. First-hand experience can help you narrow down choices.

By being in the workplace and seeing the daily interactions and tasks of someone with a particular job, you can make decisions that better support your goals. 

 3. Dress appropriately.

Ask questions about the dress code before the job shadowing begins so you can dress appropriately for the experience. By dressing the same way, you’ll blend in better and gain more respect. You’ll also discover if you’re comfortable with the dress code. 

  • Business casual?
  • Suit and tie?
  • Casual?
  • Scrubs?
  • Hard hat?
  • Comfy shoes?

4. Discover the details.

Job shadowing gives you a unique chance to ask questions about their education requirements and work-life balance. 

Your questions matter and they should relate to the work being performed. 

5. Stay open to all aspects of the opportunity.

Job shadowing can involve more than sitting in an office and watching others work. You may be asked to join meetings at restaurants or attend events at other offices. Go with the flow and observe the interactions.

6. Bring unique business cards.

Offer a card to everyone you meet at the job shadowing opportunity so people will remember you.   

7. Take notes.

It shows interest and lends to your credibility if you use a digital device or a traditional notebook. 

You may be presented with a great deal of information and ideas as you job shadow. Notes can help you keep track of the important points. You can also use them to keep a list of your questions. 

Although taking notes can help you, pay attention to the policies in the office. If notes are avoided during certain meetings to protect client privacy, then you’ll need to follow this. 

8. Send a hand-written thank you note to multiple people.

Although online communication is faster and easier, a hand-written thank you note show you care about the opportunity and are grateful for it. 

Taking the time to write a note by hand is important. Also, sending notes to more than one person matters, so send a note to all of the people who took the time to help you or answer questions. People in power also deserve a note so they will remember you with fondness.  

Junior Year:

Pay attention to your surroundings and take note of the jobs that you see as you walk through your everyday life. Ask people in your community, or your family to shadow them in their work. Schedule a few different shadow experiences.

Senior Year: 

Apply for internships (paid or unpaid) or volunteer in the environment(s) you want to pursue as a career.

All in all, job shadowing offers you the chance to experience an aspect of a career field that your courses or schoolbooks may not provide. Take full advantage of this opportunity because it will help lead you down the path to success in your chosen field.


Mrs. Pam has over 15 years proven expertise in private high school and college admissions.

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