Work with me

Coaching Sessions, Workshops & Keynotes


Write For Your Life: 9-1-1 for non-ELA teachers

1 Day Workshop (In Person / Virtual)

—-Extended support offered with quarterly check points

Instructional staff |  Instructional Coaches


Content area teachers (science, math, language, arts, technology, etc) get a glimpse into the life and lessons of the English teacher. And they learn how to support the objectives of the school’s writing goals to establish and maintain writing consistency. This session equips science, math and other content areas teachers with tools, resources and confidence to effectively infuse elements of the school based writing program into their lessons too.

Objectives: Participants will

  • Learn how to support the writing across curriculum efforts.
  • Create opportunities for students to write outside English classes
  • Practice writing skills to build confidence
  • Review punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure

Virtual Extension time available.

The Grading Game: Establish Writing Consistency

4 Days -Quarterly check in points (In Person / Virtual)

Instructional Staff | Instructional Coaches

Teachers of writing based courses will establish norms for writing expectations by experiencing a “Norming Process” – a systemic way to make sure each writing evaluator sees the same mistakes, values the same virtues and can deliver the same coaching and feedback for writing consistency. 

Participants will learn how to

  • Develop a support network for writing
  • Deliver effective written and verbal feedback
  • Create rubrics that communicate the same values and expectations
  • Understand what to expect from students at what point in the writing development

The W.R.I.T.E. Set Up: Technology Tips and Tools that Automate and Elevate Writing Experiences

1 Day Workshop 

—-Extended support offered with quarterly check points

ELA | SS teachers

This interactive experience takes teachers through the process of creating goals and establishing an organically workable structure for their technology based writing program without using expensive software. 

Participants will learn to 

  • Use technology to organise writing from idea to product
  • For teachers know how to have a writing conference with students what they should be able to produce and 
  • Self care for teachers of writing. 


"Black / Brown" History
Current Events

1 hour KeyNote. 

Instructional Staff | Building Level and District Level staff | Community stakeholders

Do you teach BIPOC students who are reluctant readers? Do you see a pattern amongst the community if they below grade level? This research based, visually engaging experience puts the reading deficit into historical context for teachers of students of colour who are reluctant readers. It is designed to re-establish a mental framework in the BIPOC reading classroom that will ignite classroom connections between the teacher, the student and the texts.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Examine current national reading data
  • Recognize history’s impact on reading in communities of colour
  • Gain an appreciation for affective elements of teaching
  • Research and plan lessons that reengage students

King and Queens

1 hour Keynote 

Children |  Adults |  Community Stakeholders

Black history does not begin on the East Coast of the United States. It begins centuries earlier, but contemporary history books exclude these lessons leaving a void in the self esteem of black and brown students. After taking this engaging workshop, participants will be well versed in historical figures of royalty.

Participants will learn about:

  • preColonial African historical people, places and events 

Participants will learn how to:

  • Conduct research for their own content areas
  • Infuse historical lessons into their personal pep talks
  • Answer follow up questions when they arise
  • Be a global citizen with an enhanced and invigorated sense of identity

Djembe All Day! Djembe Drumming for Beginners: A Series

1 hour Workshop – no experience necessary

Children |  Adults

Bring your own drum

Heart-pumping fun will be had by all in this hands-on high energy, interactive djembe drumming experience, true djembe drumming beginners will be immersed in a the joyful impact of the djembe drum. 

Participants will learn: 

  • The cultural origins of the djembe
  • Basic care of the djembe
  • How to play
  • A simple polyrhythm
  • Benefits of drumming

Djembe All Day! Djembe Drumming for Intermediate Players

2 hour workshop – Prerequisite: Djembe All Day! For Beginners

Children / Adults

Bring your own drum

In this 2nd installment of the Djembe All Day! Drumming Series, intermediate djembe players will be challenged as they learn 2 new powerful polyrhythms. While the basics will be reviewed, new instruments within the African orchestra are also introduced into the music. 

Participants will learn 

  • 2 Polyrhythms
  • Basic care of the additional instrumentation
  • How to add additional instrumentation
  • Benefits of djembe drumming


Success Sundays for Scholars

90 minute Bi weekly Online Live Coaching 

*****By Subscription Only*****

Middle to High

Parents and Middle schoolers who seek private high school admission receive small group coaching about best practices, financial aid insight, and a streamlined admissions plan. 

High to College

Parents and High schoolers who seek college admission receive small group coaching about best practices, financial aid insight, and a streamlined admissions plan. 

Success Scholars Sessions - High School Edition

3 hour workshop 

Parents | Educators | Students

Middle to High

An interactive workshop providing insight into the private school admissions process. Students and families will leave the workshop having a deeper understanding of the opportunities, the challenges and steps to make it happen.

Success Scholars Sessions - College Edition

3 hour workshop 

Parents | Educators | High School Students

High Schoolers seeking College Admissions

An interactive workshop providing insight into the college admissions process. Students and families will leave the workshop having a deeper understanding of the opportunities, the challenges and steps to make it happen.

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Will you travel to my school in person?

I am not currently traveling to do in person workshops due to Covid 19. I hope to resume travel when the pandemic subsides. In the meantime, I am available in real time or via video.

How do I book you for an online, workshop, presentation or keynote speech at my conference?

Please email me at

Will you zoom with my teachers about diversity, equity and inclusion? We need help.

I would love to Zoom with you. Email me.

Do you consult individuals?

Yes, I do my best work one-on one. I also like to work with departments and content areas for full year long planning and implementation strategies.

Do you coach individual students?

We can work out small group sessions. Email me and let’s get started. 

I'm a principal/district coordinator. Will you help my teachers with their
ELA / Writing / History / Cultural curriculum?

It would be my pleasure. Let’s chat about it. 

Email for Pricing & Booking Details



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