Once you've decided that tutoring is right for your child, preparation for that all important first tutoring session begins.

There are many reasons you may seek academic help for your child.

Your child may be below grade level.

You may need help making the switch from elementary to middle, or from middle to high, or from high to college.

Or you may want your child to advance beyond his current grade level.

Whatever the reason for searching for a tutor, your child needs to understand the benefits that tutoring will provide.

More and more parents are seeking tutors for their children in order to achieve academic success in today’s rigorous educational climate. Once you’ve decided that tutoring is right for your child, preparation for that all important first tutoring session begins.

 Here are a few essential guidelines for tutoring success:

1. Set up a meeting with the tutor.

Your child will have the best possible first tutoring session if he has previously had a positive experience with the tutor. Arrange for the tutor to come to your home for an informal chat or, if you’re going to a tutoring center, drop by when the teachers are free to meet and greet their newest student.

2. Explain the reasons for tutoring to your child.

Children perceive the world differently than adults. Your goal is to make the tutoring process go as smoothly as possible in order for your child to receive the maximum benefit.

3. Encourage your child to share feelings.

Many children, especially those who may be facing difficulty in school, may be reluctant to share their feelings about the tutor or the tutoring process. Spend time to discuss with your child his specific hopes and fears about the area of study or school in general. The more you know about your child’s feelings, the better the whole process will unfold.

4. Create a fresh start by buying new notebooks and supplies.

Never underestimate how much children love to use new notebooks, pens, and pencils! Find school supplies that have your child’s favorite movie or sports star printed on it. Just having these visual reminders of beloved people or events eases a child’s anxieties and increases receptiveness to learning.

5. Praise your child’s accomplishments in the classroom.

Every child loves praise and has achieved some things in the classroom that are worthy of compliments. Tell your child how proud you are of his accomplishments. Explain to your child that tutoring will only increase success.

6. Assure your child of your help.

Your child may fear that tutoring will be an unbearable burden. Assure him that you or another knowledgeable adult will always be there to assist him with any problems that may arise.

7. Provide incentives.

Teachers use incentives to increase effort and interest in the classroom. This strategy works because the kids love receiving prizes and they get the children to do their best. Think about ways your child is motivated to work toward particular goals.Something as simple as a trip to favorite restaurant or an afternoon at the park can provide that extra spark your child needs to succeed at a task. Your child will look forward to each tutoring session with the knowledge that he’s one step closer to that desirable incentive. Tell your child that, even if you’re unsure of the concept being taught, you’ll help seek out resources to solve the problem together. In this way, your child will be reassured that you’re both in this together!

By following these easy guidelines, you can enable your child to be fully prepared and ready for tutoring and academic success!

Mrs. Pam has over 15 years proven expertise in private high school and college admissions.

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